5 Tips for National Bring Your Dog to Work Day

5 Tips for National Bring Your Dog to Work Day

Bring Your Dog to Work

Wouldn’t it be great to have our pups with us wherever we go? Even to work! Not everyone gets to work at companies that have designated Doggy Daycare areas for their employees but there is one day a year, June 25th, dedicated to celebrate the wonderful relationships we have with our fur babies and that is National Bring Your Dog to Work Day!

Having our dogs accompany us to our workplace might seem like it would be stressful but in reality, it’s quite the opposite. The APPA (American Pet Product Association) expresses that having pets in the workplace reduces stress and increases productivity. It makes sense! After all, whose day wouldn’t be brightened seeing a happy, tail wagging pup greeting everyone first thing in the morning?

I’ve created a list of 5 expert tips to make bringing your dog to work a breeze!

To help you bring in the party atmosphere to this celebration, why not bring in some treats for all 2-legged and 4-legged coworkers? Homemade dog donuts for your furry friends and classic donuts for their pet parents will surely be a hit. I’ve included a delicious doggie donut treat recipe that’s super fast and simple. These treats will be a hit for all special guests in your workplace!

5 Expert Tips for Bringing Your Dog to Work

  1. Clear it with your boss.
    There are certain professions that might not be ideal or even legal for your four-legged friend to join you for a day such as restaurants or warehouses. Double check with your boss to be sure having Fido around is acceptable.
  2. Be respectful of coworkers.
    Now that you’ve got permission from your boss, be a respectful pet parent by ensuring anyone working in close quarters with you doesn’t have a dog allergy. National Bring Your Dog to Work Day is meant to be a fun celebration for everyone.
  3. Bring along a baby gate.
    If you have a particularly high maintenance pup, it could prove challenging to bring them to work with you if they have free roam of your entire workplace. Avoid having to chase them around the office by sectioning off a designated area for them using a baby gate.
  4. Buddy System.
    At one point or another, nature will call and your dog will need to step outside to do his business. Ask a coworker to man your station for a few minutes while you take a quick bathroom break. Don’t forget the poop bags!
  5. Bring treats!
    Even an extremely well behaved dog might get so excited and distracted in a new environment so bring some dog donuts along for when something special is needed to guide your pup’s focus back to you.

Diggin’ Donuts and Yogurt Glaze


2 packets PetCakes Cheese mix
1 egg
1 tablespoon of liquid (chicken bone broth preferred or water)
1 packet of PetCakes Frosting mix
2.5 tablespoons of water

You Will Need

4” ruler
Medium bowl
Baking sheet and liner
Small bowl for dipping
Additional toppings (be creative!)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Combine all ingredients and stir until well blended.
  3. Using a tablespoon, scoop out mix and hand roll into 4” long tube.
  4. Connect ends of the tube together to create a circle and place on baking sheet.
  5. Repeat steps 2 & 3 until all dough has been used.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes or until lightly browned.

We absolutely love seeing your pictures so post your fur babies enjoying their Diggin’ Donuts and tag us on Instagram @iLovePetCakes!

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